Wicked Cravings  (The Phoenix Pack, #2) - Suzanne  Wright I didn't like this as much as the first one, but nobody does snark like Taryn. :-) Jamie tried a couple of times, but it almost came off as feeling like "thrown in there". Dominic still had his great one-liners. I thought it was hilarious every time he used them on Jamie and Dante would growl. :-)

I wanted to kick Dante when he all of a sudden couldn't deal with Jamie no longer being interested in him at the beginning of the book. Oh, poor baby... she's decided to no longer chase after a lost cause, and she's going to get on with her life. It was like a flip switched in Dante and he all of a sudden couldn't deal with the idea that she might be with someone else. Duh... isn't that what you wanted? So I can totally see why Jamie was confused and why she resisted him. I can also see why they both put up the shields so they couldn't tell what they really were to each other.

So I look forward to the next one, which I hope will be Shia's story (and if I spelled that wrong, I apologize... I listen to these). I can't wait to see what Nick does when he finds out she left the pack.