Sugar Daddy - Lisa Kleypas I really enjoy Lisa Kleypas' stories. This was my first contemporary, and I'm so glad I chose to listen to this series. She creates such great characters. Liberty was so wonderful. As was Churchill, Hardy, Gage, even Miss Marva. Even with all her circumstances growing up, how poor they were, Liberty was just a good person. Even when she was given opportunities that seemed too good to be true, she evaluated her choices and just tried to make the best choice based on what she knew. She chose to keep Carrington when giving her up would have been so much easier on her. Though honestly, with how close they were, there wasn't really a choice. I was so happy with the choice she made at the end, with how patient one man could be for her. I was shocked at one man's betrayal and his inability for him to see it as such -- I knew when it happened that he was using her, but was shocked nonetheless when it was uncovered. And I was glad to finally know who Churchill was to Liberty. I love it when rich people don't act rich. Rich people would normally look at where Liberty came from and keep her at arm's length, but the Travis family sucked her in even when she was the one trying to maintain barriers. Great story. I look forward to learning more about the Travis family.