I'm sad the series is over...

... but at the same time, I'm so glad to see them all settled. I wasn't quite sure how the Ren and Ally thing would work out considering their families were on opposite ends of the law, and I found it so interesting that Ren was the one doing the chasing for the most part. I could totally understand Ally's reluctance to give in to her feelings for him. I can't imagine how devastated I would be, waking up after that first incredible night, hearing the name of someone else fall from the lips of the guy I fell hard for. And I can totally understand her not wanting to make a big deal of it. Or even wanting to mention it. Interesting, since Ally is such a straight-forward, take-no-gruff person that she would choose to smother this.
I also loved that Ally wouldn't compromise herself for Ren. Ren wanted something very specific, and Ally didn't think she could give him what he wanted, so she let him go. It was heart wrenching, and I was so sad for them both, but I understood why she needed to do that. I was very happy when Ren got it, too, and realized what he needed to do to make things right. Damn, he always knew just the right things to say. Then again, so did Ally. They were a great pair.
I thought for sure the "girl in danger" bit that happens in every Rock Chick book would be because of Ally's job. And when it happened and it wasn't, I was surprised, and I was so afraid for the person who was there with her (don't want to spoil anything). I was very glad that everything worked out and everyone was settled settled by the end of the epilogue. Such a great group of friends.
I was also very happy to see that we're going to follow Mace and Darius to LA.